1.How long will it take to receive the products if I place an order on Taafo?

7-20 working days in general

After you place the order, we need 2-3 working days to produce your shoes (Order Verification, Quality Inspection and Packaging).

We Offer Free Shipping :7-20 business days to arrive.

2.Is the information I send over the Internet safe?

All the information you send over to our website is strictly confidential and is protected by our SSL-certified website through the industry's most powerful encryption VeriSign. Any other information given such as email is strictly kept in secret and will not be used or given to any 3rd party. Please glance at our Privacy Policy for more information.

3.How do I know my shoes size?

If you are not sure of your shoes size, you can measure your feet with help of a ruler . Each product description page has a shoe size chart. In order to provide a better shopping experience, contact us with no hesitation if you have any size problem.

4.Tell me how to choose a pair of fit high heel shoes?

For some people whose feet are wide, it is a better choice to choose a larger size and avoid thin heel shoes. Wedges, flats and chunky heel are also are also popular and maybe good alternates.